Serving in

Children's Ministry

Kingdom Kids Sign-in

This person needs to assist families at the check-in desk as they sign in their children for "Sprouts," "Shine," or "Seekers." They prepare a name tag for each child. They need to arrive 15 minutes before worship begins, and can return to worship approximately 5 minutes after the service starts.


Nursery "Sprouts"

This person needs to enjoy being with infants thru 3 year old children and must be at least 13 years old.  They need to arrive at the nursery at least 15 minutes before worship begins so that parents can make sure their children are comfortable before the service begins.


Kingdom Kids "Shine" Teacher 

Teach and lead 4 year olds through 4th grade in lessons, worship and activities during the 10 am worship service. Teachers usually are responsible for one Sunday per month.


Kingdom Kids "Shine" Helper

Assist the "Shine" Teacher, working with 4 year olds through 4th grade during the 10 am worship service. Helpers are paired with a teacher and are responsible for one Sunday per month.


Kingdom Kids "Seekers" Teacher

This is a new class for youth, 10 years and up. "Seekers" routinely worship in the sanctuary and then have a lesson in the children's wing during the sermon time. Lessons are provided.  


Where do my kids go?
How do I check my kid in?


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