Operations (Behind the Scenes)

Audio and Lights Operator

This person operates the audio control and recordings of our services. Responsibilities include controlling sound levels during services, doing sound checks. As sound person you will be expected to attend any rehearsal times in which you are a part of the service. We currently rehearse for our Sunday morning services at 9:15 am on the Sunday morning, rehearsal for other events are scheduled as needed.


PowerPoint Operator

This person runs the Power Point during services. Responsibilities include advancing slides of the PowerPoint presentation during service, must be able to keep focus on the service at all times, and must be willing to learn and follow established procedures. As PowerPoint operator you will be expected to attend any rehearsal times in which you are a part of the service. We currently rehearse for our Sunday morning services at 9:15 am on that Sunday morning, rehearsal for other events are scheduled as needed.


PowerPoint Creator

Creates the PowerPoint slides for worship services. 


Camera Operator

Sets up and operates the camera to record worship services on Sunday morning. 


Special Events Coordinator

Setting up, decorating & taking down tables for special events. For example, setting up tables for a funeral dinner.


Kitchen Coordinator

Check the kitchen supplies – plates, napkins, cups, eating utensils, coffee, tea, lemonade, to make sure there are enough on hand for the event. The menu is usually determined by the event. Congregation brings two side dishes to share.  Make sure and get enough ice.  Prepare beverages, set up serving line and keep stocked if need be while serving.  Clean-up kitchen and break down serving line.  


Communion Preparation

This person will prepare communion for the entire month.  Prepares the communion for Sunday morning services and cleans the communion vessels. The supplies for this are in the room behind the piano.  The only item that is purchased by the person preparing the communion is the juice.  We ask that 100% (red) grape juice is used.


Cleaning Church Building

You will be teamed up with another team to clean the church building for two weeks at a time.  The kitchen, fellowship hall, the classrooms that attach to the fellowship hall,  the bathrooms before you enter the sanctuary, the sanctuary, library and bathrooms across from the library, and the education wing all need to be cleaned and divided between the two teams.


Clean Baptistry 

The baptistry gets drained and cleaned once a month.  It works best if we can have the person come in and clean it the last Thursday of the month.  This just works well for how the timer on the heater is set up to come on.  The office will drain the baptistery for you.  You just need to come in and clean it and then the office will fill it the next day.  


Building Maintenance

General maintenance and simple repairs to the building, as needed.


Church Website

Maintains and updates the information on the church’s website.




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